Belajar Tentang Fractured Stories: Manfaat dan Cara Menulisnya

Halo Pembaca!

Pernahkah kamu mendengar tentang fractured stories? Mungkin belum banyak yang tahu tentang konsep ini, tapi jangan khawatir, di artikel ini kita akan membahasnya dengan cara yang ringan dan mudah dipahami. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang apa itu fractured stories, apa manfaatnya, elemen-elemennya, serta memberikan contoh dan latihan agar kamu bisa membuat fractured stories sendiri.

Apa Manfaat Belajar Tentang Fractured Stories?

Sebelum kita masuk ke pembahasan lebih dalam, mari kita jawab pertanyaan ini: “Apa manfaat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dari belajar tentang fractured stories?”

Belajar tentang fractured stories dapat meningkatkan kreativitas dan keterampilan berpikir kritis. Ketika kamu mengubah sebuah cerita klasik menjadi sesuatu yang baru, kamu perlu berpikir di luar kotak dan menemukan cara-cara inovatif untuk mempertahankan elemen penting dari cerita aslinya sambil menambahkan sentuhan unikmu sendiri. Selain itu, fractured stories juga dapat membantu meningkatkan keterampilan menulis dan pemahaman cerita, karena kamu harus memahami struktur dan elemen cerita asli sebelum bisa memodifikasinya.

Pengertian Fractured Story

Fractured story adalah cerita yang diambil dari cerita klasik atau terkenal dan diubah dengan cara yang kreatif. Ini bisa melibatkan perubahan karakter, setting, plot, atau bahkan sudut pandang. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan interpretasi baru yang segar dan sering kali lucu dari cerita yang sudah dikenal.

Tujuan Fractured Story

Tujuan dari fractured story adalah untuk menghibur dan mengajak pembaca melihat cerita klasik dari perspektif yang berbeda. Ini juga bertujuan untuk mengembangkan imajinasi dan keterampilan menulis kreatif bagi penulisnya.

Elemen Fractured Story

Ada beberapa elemen yang biasanya ada dalam fractured story:

  1. Karakter: Karakter dari cerita asli mungkin tetap ada, tapi dengan perubahan dalam sifat atau latar belakang.
  2. Setting: Setting cerita bisa diubah ke tempat atau waktu yang berbeda.
  3. Plot: Alur cerita asli bisa dimodifikasi atau dibalik.
  4. Sudut Pandang: Cerita bisa diceritakan dari sudut pandang karakter yang berbeda dari cerita asli.

Unsur Kebahasaan Fractured Story

Dalam menulis fractured story, beberapa unsur kebahasaan yang perlu diperhatikan antara lain:

  1. Bahasa Deskriptif: Menggunakan deskripsi yang jelas untuk menggambarkan setting dan karakter.
  2. Dialog: Menulis dialog yang natural dan sesuai dengan karakter.
  3. Alur yang Konsisten: Meskipun plot diubah, alur cerita harus tetap konsisten dan mudah diikuti.
  4. Gaya Bahasa yang Kreatif: Memanfaatkan gaya bahasa yang unik untuk membuat cerita lebih menarik.
  5. Menggunakan past tense

Contoh Fractured Story

Misalnya, cerita klasik Cinderella bisa diubah menjadi fractured story di mana Cinderella adalah seorang mekanik yang cerdas dan menemukan cara untuk membuat sepatu kaca berteknologi tinggi yang membantunya melarikan diri dari kehidupan yang sulit.

Latihan dalam Bahasa Inggris

Task 1: Answer the Questions Based on the Picture


Look at the picture of Snow White. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is Snow White doing in the picture?
  2. Who are the characters with Snow White, and what are they doing?
  3. How does Snow White look? Describe her appearance.
  4. Where is Snow White standing in the picture?
  5. What time of day is it in the picture? How can you tell?

Task 2: Answer the Questions Based on the Fractured Story of Snow White

Read the following fractured story about Snow White and answer the questions.

Fractured Story: Snow White

Once upon a time in a bustling city, Snow White was a tech-savvy girl who loved coding. Instead of a wicked stepmother, she had a competitive boss who always tried to take credit for her work. One day, Snow White created an amazing app that could solve complex problems with a single click. Her boss, jealous of her talent, tried to delete the app, but Snow White was too clever. She stored the app in the cloud and continued working with her seven teammates, each with their unique coding skills. Together, they launched the app and it became a massive success, helping people all over the world.

  1. What was Snow White’s talent in this fractured story?
  2. Who played the role of the villain in this version of Snow White?
  3. What did Snow White create that caused jealousy?
  4. How did Snow White protect her creation?
  5. What was the outcome of Snow White’s hard work?

Task 3: Find the Similarities and Differences Between the Original and Fractured Story of Cinderella

Read the original story and the fractured story of Cinderella. Then, find and list the similarities and differences in the characters, setting, plot, and theme.

Original Story: Cinderella

Once upon a time, there was a kind and beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lived with her wicked stepmother and two stepsisters who treated her poorly. One day, the king announced a royal ball, and everyone was invited. With the help of her fairy godmother, Cinderella attended the ball, wearing a beautiful gown and glass slippers. She captivated the prince, but had to leave before midnight, leaving behind one of her glass slippers. The prince searched the kingdom for the girl whose foot fit the slipper, and when he found Cinderella, they lived happily ever after.

Fractured Story: Cinderella the Mechanic

Once upon a time, there was a smart and talented girl named Cinderella who loved fixing things. She lived with her demanding stepmother and two stepsisters who always made her do all the chores. One day, a big engineering competition was announced, and everyone was excited to participate. With the help of her fairy godmother, Cinderella built a high-tech pair of glass slippers that gave her the edge she needed to win the competition. She amazed the judges, but had to leave before revealing her identity, leaving behind one of her glass slippers. The judges searched for the girl who created the amazing invention, and when they found Cinderella, she won the grand prize and started a successful engineering career.

Task 4: Write Your Own Fractured Story Based on the Original Story of “Beauty and the Beast”

Read the original story of “Beauty and the Beast” below. Then, write your own fractured story by changing the characters, setting, or plot in a creative way.

Original Story: Beauty and the Beast

Once upon a time, there was a merchant who had three daughters. The youngest daughter, Belle, was kind and beautiful. One day, the merchant lost his fortune and had to move his family to a small cottage. During a trip, the merchant got lost and found himself in a mysterious castle. The Beast, who lived in the castle, allowed him to take shelter but demanded that the merchant send one of his daughters to stay with him. Belle volunteered to go. Over time, Belle and the Beast became friends, and she saw beyond his frightening appearance. Eventually, Belle’s love broke the spell, and the Beast transformed back into a handsome prince.

Dengan latihan-latihan ini, kamu bisa mulai berkreasi dan menulis fractured stories versimu sendiri. Selamat mencoba dan semoga artikel ini bermanfaat!

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Expressions of Checking for Understanding (Contoh Ungkapan dan Dialog Mengecek Pemahaman)

Hello, eighth graders. Nice to meet you again. This is the second material I can share with you in the first semester in grade eight. Kali ini kita akan belajar bagaimana mengecek pemahaman (checking for understanding) dan bagaimana menanggapinya. Ok, let’s start our discussion. Social Function Sudah hampir enam bulan ya kita belajar dari rumah. Namun saya yakin kalian masih ingat saat-saat indah bisa belajar di sekolah, dapat bertemu bapak ibu guru dan teman sekolah walaupun mungkin ada beberapa hal yang sama seklai tidak menarik bagi kalian hingga lepas dari perhatian. Apa itu, ya?Masih ingtakan kalian ketika bapak ibu guru menerangkan? Bagaimana setiap guru memiliki gaya masing-masing saat mengajar di dalam kelas? Mungkin ada yang menarik dan menyenangkan tetapi sebaliknya ada yang tidak menarik dan membosankan. Kali ini saya tidak akan bertanya soal menarik atau tidak, tapi saya ingin tahu apakah kalian masih ingat apa yang diucapkan oleh para guru setelah selesai menjelaskan sesuatu di kelas? Adakah di antara guru kalian yang mengatakan, “Sudah paham?” atau “Ada pertanyaan?” Apakah kalian tahu apa maksud atau tujuan dari bapak ibu guru kalian mengucapkan kalimat tersebut setelah menjelaskan sesuatu? “Sudah paham?” dan “Ada pertanyaan?” adalah ungkapan yang sering digunakan oleh seorang pembicara untuk mengetahui sejauh mana orang yang diajak bicara memahamai apa yang disampaikan. The social function of checking understanding is to know how well the listener gets the point which the speaker has told or explained. Generic Structure & Language Features Semoga kalian sudah paham ya tujuan checking for undertanding. Tentunya kalian sudah mengerti apa yang harus kalian lakukan jika ada orang yang ingin mengetahui sejauh mana pemahaman kalian terhadap apa yang ia katakan? Ya, tepat sekali jawaban kalian. Ketika seseorang mengecek pemahaman kalian, kalian harus menanggapinya dengan baik. Tentu tanggaoan itu bisa positif maupun negatif. Tanggapan positif berarti kalian paham dengan apa yang diucapkan orang tersebut (showing understanding) sebaliknya tanggapan negatif berrati kalian tidak atau kurang paham terhadap apa yang disampaikan orang tersebut (expressing lack of understanding). Here are some expressions that you can use for checking understanding. Get it? (Paham?) Have you got it (Apakah kamu sudah paham?) Do you understand? (Apakah kamu paham?) Any questions? (Ada pertanyaan?) Everything clear? (Apakah semuanya sudah jelas?) Did I make myself clear? (Apakah yang saya sampaikan sudah jelas?) Did I make myself understood? (Apakah yang saya jelaskan dapat dimengerti?) Do you mean…? (Apakah maksud anda …?) Do you know what I mean? (Apakah kamu mengerti aoa yang saya maksud?) Do you know what I am saying? (Apakah kamh mengerti apa yang saya katakan?) Are you following me? (Apakah anda mengertu yang saya sampaikan?) Are you wirh me so far? (Apakah anda sejauh ini paham yang saya katakan?) Here are some expressions that you can use to show understanding I see (o, begitu) I undertstand. (Ya, saya paham) I get it (saya mengerti) I got it (saya mengerti) Gotcha (Paham) Here are some expressions that you can use for expressing lack of understanding I don’t get it (saya tidak paham) I’m sorry I don’t understand (Maaf saya tidak paham) What do you mean? Apa yang anda pahami? I am not following you.(saya tidak mengerti apa yang anda sampaikan) I don’t quite follow you (saya tidak begitu paham terhadap apa yang anda sampaikan) I am not sure I get what you mean (saya tidak yakin saya mengerti apa yang anda maksud) What was that again? (Apalagi itu?) That’s all that I can share with you about the expressions of checking for understanding, showing understanding and expressing of lack understanding. Now, let’s check your understanding by doing the following tasks. Task 1. Listen to the audio and repeat after him/her. Task 2. Watch this video to answer the questions below. What is the dialogue about? Where did the dialogue probably take place? What did Mrs. Green say to check for understanding? Did Samir understand what Mrs. Green said? How do you know? Samir said, “Sorry, I haven’t got it at all.” What did he mean? Task 3. Match the expressions with the correct responses. Task 4. Fill in the blank with the suitable expression. 1. Mr. Blak : That’s all that I can explain about showing attention. Have you got it? James: ,………………………,……………. Would you please explain again? 2. Paul : ,………………………………….. Helen. : Sorry, I am not quite following you. 3. Randy : Any questions?Students : …………….,…………..Everything is clear. 4. Shinta: Do you know what I mean? Dion. : ,…..,………….,……………………. ………Will you give me more examples? 5. Diego : Gotcha? Alehando: Yes, …………….. Task 5. Write your own dialogue based on the situation below and then practice it. Situation: You explain to your friend about how to do the homework. Unfortunately your friend has not understood so he asks you to explain again. Ok, Dears. I think it is time to say good bye. Hopefully you know better about checking for understanding, showing understanding, and expressing lack of understanding. See you again with the next new topic. Thank you and see you.